Areas Our Team Can Address:

(including but not limited to)

  • Articulation or sound production errors (slurred or mumbled speech)
  • Ability to formulate sentences or questions (including verb tenses and pronouns)
  • Ability to follow written or verbal directions
  • Ability to answer a variety of questions
  • Independent use of questions to gain or clarify information
  • Vocal quality, pitch, tone or inflection is abnormal
  • Fluency (stuttering)
  • Repeating what they hear rather than responding
  • Social interaction- eye contact, turn taking, appropriate loudness level for environment and rate of speech
  • Swallowing- coughing, choking during meals, runny nose during or following oral intake, a change in vocal quality, and/or fever following oral intake
  • Liquids or food escaping from the mouth during oral intake
  • Drooling or evident facial weakness
  • Diminished vocabulary
  • Comprehension- auditory and reading
  • Memory-short and long term
  • Identify colors and count items
  • Ability to read/decode
  • Ability to put thoughts into writing
  • Ability to describe an event or tell a story including details
  • Exhibit behaviors due to an inability to express themselves or frustration with communication
  • Not able to organize thoughts, pay attention, remember, plan, and/or problem-solve
  • Trouble with the social use of verbal and nonverbal communication.
  • Problems with understanding others (receptive language), or sharing thoughts, ideas, and feelings (expressive language)
  • Problems communicating for social purposes (e.g., greeting, commenting, asking questions), talking in different ways to suit the listener and setting, and following rules for conversation and story-telling

Speech Therapy Groups and Programs Available at Unified Therapy Services:

  • Oralfacial Myofunctional Therapy
  • Augmentative Communication
  • Community Based Therapy
  • Social Skills Groups
  • SOS and AEIOU feeding