Articulation or sound production errors (slurred or mumbled speech)
Ability to formulate sentences or questions (including verb tenses and pronouns)
Ability to follow written or verbal directions
Ability to answer a variety of questions
Independent use of questions to gain or clarify information
Vocal quality, pitch, tone or inflection is abnormal
Fluency (stuttering)
Repeating what they hear rather than responding
Social interaction- eye contact, turn taking, appropriate loudness level for environment and rate of speech
Swallowing- coughing, choking during meals, runny nose during or following oral intake, a change in vocal quality, and/or fever following oral intake
Liquids or food escaping from the mouth during oral intake
Drooling or evident facial weakness
Diminished vocabulary
Comprehension- auditory and reading
Memory-short and long term
Identify colors and count items
Ability to read/decode
Ability to put thoughts into writing
Ability to describe an event or tell a story including details
Exhibit behaviors due to an inability to express themselves or frustration with communication
Not able to organize thoughts, pay attention, remember, plan, and/or problem-solve
Trouble with the social use of verbal and nonverbal communication.
Problems with understanding others (receptive language), or sharing thoughts, ideas, and feelings (expressive language)
Problems communicating for social purposes (e.g., greeting, commenting, asking questions), talking in different ways to suit the listener and setting, and following rules for conversation and story-telling
Speech Therapy Groups and Programs Available at Unified Therapy Services: